Friday, January 9, 2009

Biking with Fred

Thursday I went on the most epic bike ride of my life. no joke.

So, i woke up and grabbed some breakfast, then went on facebook for a bit, to catch up with people, and then Uncle Fred asked me if i would enjoy a bike ride with him. I said yes and was psyched since he is a very good biker. Anyway we wheeled out the bikes and gave them a short tune up, and then we were off. we went up on streets to a no car area with a path through the jungle, and we took that path for a long while. after about an hour (All measurements of time are probably very much off b/c we had no way to measure it.) we stopped and he asked me which way i would like to go. I said i had no preference so we biked to the reservoir where Singapore treats its water supply. Then we turned around and started looking for a trail through the jungle that Fred knew of. when we found it, it was blocked off, so naturally we took the bait and bypassed the gates.

Big mistake, the trail was long and very narrow, largely overgrown with roots, vines, etc. The trail also had huge patches of mud which made biking difficult, to say the least. there were a lot of forks in the path, and we would occasionally go down one for a bit and then double back and take the other route. After a while, i asked Fred how far we were from getting out of the jungle, and he said we only had one big uphill and one big downhill left. Turns out it was not that, instead we were only about 1/3 of the way through. we went on some more and just about when we were out of the jungle Fred admitted that for about half of the time we had spent he had been lost.

When we got home, this is what I looked like:

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